Water Pumps
Country: Congo, (Democratic Republic)
Advance #12773O

Project Information
Providing water to communities.
Describe the need affecting community
According to the Health Department report, the church districts of Bukama, Kinkondja, Malemba, Mulongo, Kayumba, Kabalo and Kongolo are the major places in north Katanga having recurrent cases of Cholera since people not having access to clean water have the River Congo and other surrounding lakes as the only available water sources, while this water polluted. For example, the local health authorities quoted by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid (Ocha) reported recurrent cases of cholera in the Bukama Health Zone, and it has been proclaimed an epidemic area since May 2017. This health situation is similar in the cities of Kinkondja, Malemba, Mulongo, Kayumba Museka and others. It has been noted that this recent cholera epidemic basically due to the limited access to clean drinking water and sanitation as well as the respect of hygiene principles to prevent against the disease. The need of drilling at least 5 wells is imperative to address effectively the issue.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
This project will help to address the need by drilling at least 5 wells in the each of the target communities to help people having easy access to clean water.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The goal of this project is to improve the overall health in North Katanga Episcopal Area by providing clean water in all the 36 church districts of UMC-North Katanga and Tanganyika.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Through surveys, figures indicators will be collected to measure the success of accessing to clean water, and data related to water born diseases will be collected from the health zones covering the 7 target church districts of North Katanga and Tanganyika.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact