Lithuania In Mission Together
Country: Lithuania
Advance #12168A

Project Information
Supporting church development, innovative ministries, local church outreach, and training and seminars on national level.
Describe the need affecting community
Encourage people to become Christ disciples, thereby changing their hearts and lives.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Supporting church development, pastors’ salaries, pastor and lay leadership, training and outreach.
Describe the primary goal of the project
- Develop local leadership.
- Encourage each local church to become the most important place for spiritual growth and life transformation.
- Train and prepare lay preachers (nationally) in each local church as opportunities arise.
- Annually, provide district training and teaching on questions related to discipleship.
- Empower national leadership (pastors, lay leaders, lay preachers) to guide people to Christ and provide training and support for local leaders.
- Build relationships with partner or sister churches; share resources for developing a strong, vibrant Methodist Church in Lithuania.
- Develop diaconal (social) ministries based on community needs.
- Build and develop spiritual ministries and outreach in the local churches that responds to the needs of the people in society.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact
The Rev. Remigijus Matulaitis
Mobile phone: +37063688901
Jeanie Reimer
In Mission Together Global Ministries Coordinator