Women and Community

Country: Nicaragua
Advance #13285A DONATE NOW

Project Information

Serving women and youth through human rights, health, loans and prevention educational opportunities.

Describe the need affecting community

Prior to the work of Women and Community in San Francisco Libre there was a high level of cervical/uterine cancer, sexually transmitted illnesses, teen pregnancy, women without the ability to plan their families. There were very few economic alternatives for women and no no-interest or low-interest credit programs and no training in running a small business. There was no group working to prevent violence against women and children and no group providing attention to survivors of violence. There was no group providing scholarships to impoverished children and youth from remote villages. There was no group supporting women and youth so that they might feel God’s love and show Christ’s example and hope to others in order to transform lives. Today these needs continue, families in the area have limited or no resources to access to formal education, violence against women is a continuous problem. Women do not have another place to look for help; teenagers pregnancy still high, few sources of work for women are available; there is limited access to information about human rights, gender equity and reproductive and sexual rights and there is no alternative spaces for young people topics and interests. On the other hand, health facilities improved in the urban areas though access is still limited for women in the remote areas.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

As Women and Community has defined the mission to support women, youth, and children in their process of transforming their lives through educational and health opportunities; training and loans for small businesses; human rights education, prevention of violence education and attention to survivors; and promotion of gender equity as well as leadership training for active citizen participation. Through our five programs Women Human Rights Program, Integrated Women Health Program, Development of Youth Leadership Program, Youth Scholarship Program and the Revolving Loan fund Program, we have the main goal to promote an abundant life for the people and encourage them to follow Christ’s example and share Christ’s love and hope with others.

Describe the primary goal of the project

Our primary goal is to contribute to the integral development of women and youth in San Francisco Libre, which leads to a transformation of their living standards and new gender relations through the implementation of social and economic programs.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Women improving their health and pursuing preventive care. Teenagers stop getting pregnant. Women gain awareness to become empowered in handling their small business improving their quality life. Women are informed of their rights and want to experience a life without violence and in gender equality. Youth developing their capacity to live better thanks to education. Youth developing their acknowledge to change their life and their communities to live with gender equity and aware of their rights.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Maria Felix Arauz