Pastoral Support in Ecuador

Country: Ecuador
Advance #3021092 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing a supplement to achieve a fair and just salary for pastors.

Describe the need affecting community

The Evangelical United Methodist Church is a growing young church, in recent years it has increased from 16 to 20 congregations and 7 new mission initiatives. The pastoral commitment and dedication are evident in developing new churches in rural and urban contexts thanks to the work of pastors that always support this ministry with joy and spiritual strength. Nevertheless, local churches can’t maintain their pastor’s salaries. Their tithes and offerings only cover the basic expenses and basic transportation for the pastors along with a minimum contribution for salary. For this reason, the church must look for other sources to cover salaries. The national office has been able to get contributions from partners in mission to fulfill minimum salary requirements for just 40% of the pastors. With additional contributions, the church hopes to be able to pay 100% of the pastors a worthy salary.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

With additional contributions, the church hopes to be able to pay 100% of the pastors a worthy salaries.

Describe the primary goal of the project

Providing a supplement to achieve a fair and just salary for pastors.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

If we have pastors with full support for their families and ministries. We can to stimulate ministries and achieve significant growth in biblical formation of membership. In order to grow in the proclamation of love of Jesus Christ for the transformation of families and communities.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Bishop Silvio Cevallos
Sara Flores Quinonez