Church Development and Community Health in Santiago de Veraguas

Country: Panama
Advance #3021573 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Planting a new church and establishing a community healthcare program for the indigenous population.

Describe the need affecting community

Methodist presence does not exist in this region, and this project will provide that presence. It is an area comprised of marginalized, and indigenous populations with severe physical, spiritual, and economic needs.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

We have partnered with the Panamanian Health care system to provide medical care, education, and preventive care in those areas that they can not adequately address, by utilizing UMVIM teams. Joining efforts with government staff such as vaccination campaigns, women’s health workshops, child care and dietary education. The construction of the building in Santiago provides a strategic launching point for worship, and other ministries throughout the region of Veraguas (the state Santiago resides in).

Describe the primary goal of the project

The primary goal has been to establish a Methodist presence in the interior of Panama. The Panamanian Church is developed primary at the two geographical extremes of the country with no presence in the interior. This project is an effort to fill that void and bridge the two districts with the hopes of creating a third district in the future. The work will also provide a strategic launching point for the other two districts to engage in further ministry in the region.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Community involvment in the church. Community response to the health care efforts. Community response to the use of the multi-purpose building for their families.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Pedro Arauz Valdez