Nyadire Mission Hospital Renovations

Country: Zimbabwe
Advance #3022276 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Renovating hospital departments to meet the National Health standards and improve patient care

Describe the need affecting community

Nyadire United Methodist Mission Hospital was established in 1923, it has a catchment population of over 25,000 people. Situated in Mutoko rural area about 143 km from the capital city of Zimbabwe. Owned by the United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, the hospital is manned by two doctors, 34 nurses, 19 nurse aides, and 35 general hands. The hospital has the following departments Laboratory, Pharmacy, Out Patient department, Radiology, Maternity, OI/ART departments, In Patient Care, School of Nursing and Midwifery program. The Hospital offers second level health care services in Zimbabwe’s public health care. Nyadire hospital is a referral center of its surrounding rural health center in the surrounding four wards. It is a center of training nurses and also gets medical students for attachment. We offer the following services, OI/ART services, TB/HIV services, malaria program, curative care services, family planning, maternity services, surgical services, laboratory tests, and ambulance services. All health care workers get their salaries from the government. The hospital infrastructure as well as the staff accommodation is now old and no longer meeting the current health care standards. The main hospital kitchen is very old and this poses health risk since the ceilings and wall paint is pealing off and the roof is leaking. The pharmacy is very small and has a limited drug storage capacity, it does not offer suitable drug storage conditions, and it is in need of extension. The laundry machine are so old we are having constant breakdowns. This is resulting in staff handling infectious soiled linens that posing serious health and is hazard to the staff. The hospital floor tiles are now cracked which is creating a potential areas of bacterial multiplication. Also creating predisposes patients to nosocomial infections (hospital acquired infections). There is an urgent need for tiling the hospital floors. The laboratory equipment and tests require controlled temperature environment to optimally function and give them quality assured results. Currently the laboratory does not have an air conditioning system so there is a need to install air conditioning system. The ultra sound scanning machine is very old and there is a need to purchase a new ultrasound scan machine for the radiology department. Our operating theater is full functional because our anesthetic machine, but is old and outdated. This limits us in performing other surgeries. The hospital main generator is currently not functional so there is need to make repairs as the country is facing major power outages. Currently, there is a shortage of staff accommodation and most of our staff is sharing. There is a need to construct staff houses so it can ease the accommodation pressure.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

In The Patients’ Charter, the patient has the right to access a health service in a clean and friendly environment. Improvement of the quality of health service provision to our catchment population. Our staff need good accommodation and a good working environment in order to offer the health service. In line with the kitchen refurbishment, this will improve hospital internal look and hygiene, which will create a clean working environment and preventing food contamination. Our hospital infrastructure is monitored quarterly by the Ministry of Health through the results based funding program (RBF) this refurbishment will enable us to meet with the current health standards. Since the hospital is old (built in 1923), it needs constant upgrades and tilling to improve the outlook and control infection – in line with our national infection control policy. The extension of our pharmacy will address the issue of limited medicines storage, temperature control, and we will also meet National Standards for pharmacy drug storage for improved shelf life. Laboratory tests are critical for diagnosis and treatment of disease. The quality of the results are heavily dependent on a temperature controlled environment, this will markedly improve our project will greatly improve disease diagnosis and treatments. Power outages have been a challenge regionally (documented power shortages in the SADC region), revitalizing our back up power generator will ensure consistency in health service provision by powering electricity dependent equipment in all departments of the hospital. Such as (X- ray, cold rooms, mortuary, anesthetic machines, chemistry machines, blood bank refrigerator and lighting in general.

Describe the primary goal of the project

To refurbish the hospital infrastructure in order to continue offering health care services to the community.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

More people attending the hospital for service.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Hannah S Mafunda
Mr.Bernard Mwashita