Grace Hospice

Country: Mongolia
Advance #14928A DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing hospice home care for members of the Ulaanbaatar community living with advanced cancer

Describe the need affecting community

a) Chingeltei District where Grace Hospice is predominantly serving patients are poor people, and do not have the money to visit hospitals and medicine. b) Many individuals prefer to stay at home during this last period of their life and even die at home.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

Grace Hospice staff will continue to serve the needy and the poor without pay in order to alleviate financial burden of poor families. We will continue to provide the professional and high standard services in caring for the patients and family members helping them to be peaceful. Also, Grace Hospice spiritual care advisers will provide spiritual support for people of all faiths, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, as permitted.

Describe the primary goal of the project

The primary goal of Grace Hospice project is to help patients to be peaceful in their last stage of life. Long term impact this project hopes to achieve is, for the patients and patient’s family members to receive peace with God, and obtain healthy spiritual direction and transformation.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Mongolia is predominantly Buddhism country and 1.5% Christians. We would like to see Mongolians think positively towards Christian faith for goodness and love shown to Mongolians and their communities. Also, we would like to see patients and their family members find peace and support through Grace Hospice when they need it the most. Moreover, we would like to see Mongolian government be challenged to provide more of Hospice programs for citizens who cannot afford them.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Dexter Fernandez Ceballos